Relationships with paranoid individuals can be extremely complex and challenging. They require special attention to early signs of suspicion and controlling behaviors. By recognizing these signs and managing difficult situations constructively, the partners can attempt to maintain some stability in the relationship. However, without trust and proper management of suspicions, a healthy relationship becomes impossible.
People with paranoid personalities are often emotionally distant and cold, exhibiting unjustified suspicions, hypersensitivity, jealousy and a fear of intimacy. These traits can be accompanied by a grandiose attitude, rigidity, a tendency to be confrontational, and litigious actions.
Paranoid personality can be conceived as covering a continuum from healthy to pathological, where the paranoid personality style is at the healthy end, and paranoid personality disorder is at the pathological end.
Paranoia is not limited to paranoid personality disorder; it can also be found in other mental disorders such as delusional disorder and paranoid schizophrenia, where clear delusional ideas, hallucinations, or other psychotic features appear.
What is the difference between paranoid personality style and paranoid personality disorder?
The personality style refers to a set of tendencies and behaviors observable in a person without these being severe or persistent enough to be considered pathological. In contrast, a personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive (generalized), rigid, and stable pattern over time, leading to dysfunction or distress.
Paranoid personality style
- self-confident and trusts in their ability to make decisions and take care of themselves;
- a careful listener and a perceptive observer, capable of noticing subtleties, tone, and multiple levels of meaning;
- takes criticism seriously without feeling intimidated;
- values loyalty and fidelity, working hard to earn and maintain them, without considering them as given;
- is cautious in relationships, preferring to evaluate people before entering into relationships with them;
- is assertive and can defend their point of view without losing control or becoming aggressive.
Paranoid personality disorder
- reluctant to confide in others due to unjustified fear that information will be used against them;
- reads hidden meanings or threats into benign remarks or events, for example, suspects a colleague changed parking spots to sabotage them;
- bears grudges and does not forgive insults or offenses;
- unjustifiably questions the loyalty or fidelity of partners, friends, and associates;
- expects, without reasonable grounds, to be exploited or harmed by others;
- feels easily offended and reacts quickly with anger or counterattacks.
What to watch out for before entering a relationship
Paranoid individuals have difficulty hiding their suspicions and live with the constant impression that they are surrounded by dangers. They are extremely vigilant and very attentive to details, always trying to assess whether they can trust those around them.
- the paranoid person avoids answering questions about their personal life. Simple questions about past relationships, work, or where they live are perceived as threats, yet they will seek to know as much about your past as possible, looking for suspicious details;
- if you go out on a date, they may want to open the drinks personally and carefully examine the food, displaying profound distrust;
- they will check the bill multiple times and avoid alcohol consumption to not lose control;
- they are unlikely to accept intimate relations in an unknown place and will maintain an emotional distance to avoid being "discovered";
- they will be very attentive to your behavior towards other people of the opposite sex, assessing your level of fidelity;
- they will tend to downplay their material and professional achievements to ensure you are not only interested in their money;
- after a few dates, do not be surprised if they ask for explanations for any delay or missing information. Jealousy and a desire for control will appear quickly;
- they will bombard you with "why" questions, trying to understand your intentions;
- you will feel constantly examined;
- you may feel like you are giving more than you receive.
In a relationship with a paranoid person, you will always be under observation and will constantly be required to prove you are trustworthy and loyal. Your gestures of love and affection may be misinterpreted and seen as having hidden intentions. No matter how much you strive to prove your sincerity, there will be constant suspicion, but love and distrust can't coexist harmoniously. In an atmosphere of suspicion, love can't flourish, and distrust becomes an insurmountable barrier. Moreover, the anguish generated by suspicion is so great that some feel relieved if their assumptions are confirmed. They prefer to face infidelity, no matter how painful, than to live in daily uncertainty.
The love of a paranoid person is marked by reservations and doubt, caution and restraint, and feelings are strictly controlled to avoid vulnerability.
How to cope with a relationship with a paranoid person
Most people adopt one of these two basic strategies:
1.Submit resignedly to the partner's interrogations and demands and have behaviors like:
- avoid taking initiative to not fuel suspicions;
- avoid criticizing or questioning the partner's behavior;
- avoid arguments or discussions, knowing that any statement will later be used as "evidence";
- are careful and precise in what they say or do, to avoid "misunderstandings";
- limit the number of friends and outings to avoid the partner's jealousy;
- constantly show evidence of respect and loyalty;
- provide any requested information whenever asked;
- pay special attention to the partner's emotions and states and try to manage them as best as possible.
2.Rebel against accusatory attitudes:
Non-compliance with the partner's demands will be seen as an unforgivable act of betrayal, and if there were doubts about you before, now their suspicions will be confirmed. Confronting a paranoid partner is not easy, as their anxiety will increase proportionally with your level of freedom.
In a healthy relationship, mutual trust and respect (including for the other's freedom) are fundamental. There is no need to justify every action or constantly explain your behavior.
Do not become complicit in the paranoid behaviors or attitudes directed at other innocent people. It is important to point out mistakes and prejudices when they arise and to encourage your partner to consult a psychotherapist.
Many paranoid lovers can't tolerate their partner's freedom and prefer to end the relationship "for their own safety." Others may resort to violent reprisals, which do not lead to a mature and peaceful ending. You can try to have a constructive dialogue and explain that if their behavior does not change, the relationship will end. However, this decision could be interpreted as a moral affront or proof that there is a third person.
Why do we remain stuck in a relationship with a paranoid person? We will explore this aspect in the second part of this article, so see you soon.
Dr. Ursula Sandner